Enjoy a memorable holiday, for less

By: Maureen Mutua
You want to see the world. To unravel the mystery of unseen beaches, explore endless breath-taking sceneries. To mingle and interact with different cultures, and titillate your taste buds with all kinds of cuisines from around the world.

You want to enjoy the little pleasures of life, don’t you? To wake up to the sound of rumbling waves in Lamu, go soak in the wild at the Mara, chill your tired nerves on the chilly slopes of Mount Kenya, chant with the native Samburus, savour spicy meals in Zanzibar, or watch the wildebeest migration at the Serengeti. Go shopping in the malls of Dubai, Paris or New York. You desire a blissful escape, away from all the trouble that the world has to throw at you. you want to explore and discover, unwind and rejuvenate.

But how can you experience all these temptations with limited financial means? We’ve always had this notion that travelling is expensive. Well, it is expensive if you do not plan and save for it.

Christmas might be just another wave that splashed on the shores of your mundane life, leaving you wondering what the brouhaha was all about. Well, the next holiday doesn’t have to leave you zoned out.  Find a few ways to take your dream vacation for less hustle and damage, and still have memories indelibly etched in your subconscious long after.

Plan plan plan…
This might sound cliche, but it’s also the rule of thumb for anything that requires money. You can be so busy throughout the year that you wake up one day and realize it’s a holiday. So much so that you procrastinate plans for the holidays. By the time you slow down and begin thinking of a getaway, the flight fares have gone through the roof, the hotel rates are unimaginably high and rooms are probably fully booked.

If that has been your predicament, and you still intend to travel, you will no doubt have to bear the consequences of the last minute dash. And higher costs of travel and accommodation. Well, you could avoid the last minute rush by planning early. You can start by jotting down a particular destination you’ve always wanted to travel to. Get in touch with your local trusted travel agent. Get a quote and all the requirements you need, save for it, pay month to month till the amount is cleared and bon voyage! Travel safe and happy when the time comes. Remember the old adage, by failing to plan, you plan to fail.

Travel on weekdays
We always want to travel on a weekend since that is when we do not go to work. Have you ever thought of traveling on weekdays? Well, if you’ve never, start thinking about it. Rates on these particular days are extremely affordable since most hotels have very few guests and you could easily get  a 5-star experience for a 3 star rate. Who would not want to be pampered, have gourmet meals tastefully prepared just for you.  Or take a swim in the pool, read your favorite novel as you get a tan by the pool side.

Be a part of a travelling group
I know we are all scared of travelling with strangers. Well, there might be a lot of challenges travelling with people who are new to you. But if you keep an open mind you will gain a lot more than just enlarging your network. If you are the type that likes to stick to the familiar, you could plan and pool together with friends or colleagues. In either case, you’ll have a memorable holiday.

One of the main benefits of group travel is saving money, since everyone is sharing the costs of food, accommodation and transport. You can receive large discounts and, as a result, take the trip of a lifetime for far less than you would if you were travelling alone or with a partner.

Get hooked on travel deals
All year-round, hotels and airlines have travel deals to different destinations in the world at different times. This is a perfect opportunity to take full advantage of these times and visit your dream destination.
What are you waiting for? Go on an plan for your holiday and thank me later.

About the author: Maureen Mutua is a digital marketing executive with a Nairobi-based travel management company.



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