If you have been to the ABC Bank Westlands Branch, then you have met Stephen Kinyua. If you have had a query and called the Bank for assistance, you have probably interacted with him as well.  His colleagues describe him as an easy to talk to person and charismatic. As we engage him we can tell this to be true by how he prioritizes clients above everything and makes sure the client leaves the banking hall satisfied.

How would you describe yourself?

That is a difficult one; I am an easy go kind of person.  I enjoy building new relationships with a keen eye to learn new things about life and about people. I am passionate about my job, and life in general, you only live once you know.

How long have you been with ABC Bank?

I am nine months at ABC Bank having joined the team in December 2017. It has been a great nine months, lessons have been learnt and friendships built within the branch and even with clients.

How was your first month of joining ABC Bank?

December was a unique month for me. Some days were so busy others were slow. I came to appreciate the fluctuations later on because they prepared me for the subsequent months. I must appreciate my colleague, Dennis Chibole, for the great training throughout the period and making the month successful, Asante Chibole.

Describe what you do as a Customer Service Associate

I am the face of ABC Bank Westlands branch. I ease customer access to most of the banks services meaning I constantly interact with customers and other bank staff to ensure seamless interaction between the Bank and our customers.

What would you be doing if you weren’t at your current job?

I would be volunteering at a kitchen or a school. I enjoy cooking, I spend most of my free time learning and trying out new foods. My other favourite part about the whole process is the eating! I’d say cooking and eating are two of my favourite hobbies. I love interacting with younger people, the energy they have the ideas and passion for life refresh me.

What is your greatest professional achievement?

There’s this couple, I’d say in their late 60s, who came to the bank one Saturday. I remember it was during the Ramadhan festivities. They were very worried because they had done a transaction worth Sh632000 thousand to a wrong account. The money was to pay for their grandchildren’s fees which was already due. I was able to contact the bank where the money was deposited; luckily the recipient had not withdrawn. The reversal was effected and in 30 minutes the matter was solved. The joy in the couple makes this my achievement because I saw a transformation in their emotions that cannot be put to words.

What about a challenge you’ve faced and how you dealt with it?

This is one of the lessons learnt hahaha. There’s a client who visited the bank and wanted to have cheque images of transactions he had done in 2015. The system had just been upgraded.  I tried to liaise with several departments but with the upgrade, it was not easy to retrieve the documents from my end.  I told the client it was not possible, big mistake. The client got angry and reported the matter to top management.  Long story short, the documents were retrieved and handed over to the client. What I learnt, you don’t always have to have all the solutions, if a matter is beyond your control escalate it to the next person.  If I had done that then, the client would have been assisted much earlier than he was

Who inspires you?

Yeshua (Jesus in Amaraic). The self awareness of the man is inspiring. I also respect His demeanour, wisdom and general lifestyle.

Who would you like to swap places with for a day?

Sometimes I feel I take for granted the comfort I have. I would swap with any person who does not enjoy the material things I enjoy on a daily basis- food, security, roof over my head, decent clothing… etc. Unfortunately there are more than enough people who fit the above description, just as a reminder to always be grateful. Remember we are swapping just for a day.



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