Alice M of our communications desk had a sit down with the ABC Bank Chess team captain, Anthony Nene, to discuss the team’s win at this year’s National Corporate Online Chess Championships and a little about his love for the game. This is what he had to say

Why chess?

Chess is a game that exercises the mind. It keeps your brain fit, improves your thinking abilities and problem solving skills.

When did you start playing chess or when did you start developing interest?

10 years ago while in school, I saw a couple of guys play and fell in love. I approached a friend of mine who was one of the players and he taught me the basics. He encouraged me to practice and not to take any loss personally as it can be very demotivating.  I also go through some reading materials and tutorials online to polish my skills every so often

What drove your interest or passion?

The game was very complex and I knew it’s what I could do as a hobby to challenge my mind. I enjoy competition and that was an opportunity for me

What key rules do you follow in chess?

Every piece is as important as the other, so always protect each piece.

Approach every game with a plan. A poor plan is better than no plan at all

Chess is life in miniature. Every move reflects the player’s perspective of life’s battles and struggles.

Did you ever have a tough time and how did you overcome it?

So many tough times, especially the first few games you play. Losing constantly can be very draining mentally but the strength and energy to keep going is what makes winners. A loss teaches a lot more than a win. I simply never gave up!

How far do you intend to take this as a sport?

I’d want to participate in the Kenya Premier Chess League sometime in the near future. That’s on my 2021/22 bucket list

How did it feel to come 2nd?

It was unbelievable, after the last round of matches we just sat quietly in the room for a couple of minutes to let that beautiful moment sink in. As the team captain it was a breathtaking achievement because all the effort finally paid off for us.

Anybody you look up to in the world of chess?

Former world number one Garry Kapsarov- It took a computer 6 rounds of matches to beat him 2-1 after 3 draws! His story of human activism is inspiring

Parting shot to aspiring chess players?

You may learn much more from a game you lose than from a game you win and you will have to lose hundreds of games before becoming a good player

What more should we expect from you this year?

More practice, participate in as many tournaments as possible and finally recruit willing players to the ABC Chess team.



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