
The proportion of Kenya’s youth to the population is among the highest globally, presenting the economy with a vibrant manpower if put to productive use. ABC Bank continues to invest in key areas in the community such as Education, Health, Humanitarian and Development to empower the youth.

According to a report published by the World Bank, World Development Report (WDR) 2018- Learning to Realize Education’s Promise, after several years of schooling, millions of children are unable to read, write, and solve basic math problems. The crisis is more severe for vulnerable children—i.e., those affected by poverty, conflict, gender disparities, or disability—and have led to the widening of social gaps. The report explains that low-income and developing countries are most affected by the global learning crisis.

Over the years ABC has run different initiatives and partnered with different organisations to make education accessible to all. Some of the initiatives run include:

Supporting Girl Child Education Initiative– Through this initiative many girls’ lives have changed. One such girl had just cleared Primary school education with spectacularly good grades in her KCPE exams which got her an invitation letter to join the much coveted Moi Girl’s High School. The Bank went ahead to sponsor her through high school where she graduated with an A minus and later joined Kenyatta University to pursue her dream course. We continue to walk with her through campus.

It’s through education that we change the world – ABC Bank has been able to support several students through high school and university. One of the beneficiaries, a young man from a children’s home had done very well in his KCPE exams and was invited to join St. Mary’s School- Yala. The guardians at the home saw great potential in him and approached the Bank for a sponsorship, which we did.  He scored an outstanding A minus and later proceeded to university.

Empowering the Community through Education Initiative– This is an initiative run by the Bank to champion for education in the country. In January of 2018 for example, ABC Bank Eldoret Branch staff joined Member of Parliament for Turbo Constituency, Uasin Gishu County, for a fundraising ceremony aimed at raising funds for 31 students who scored 350 and above in the 2017 KCPE exams in Uasin Gishu, County. Enough funds were raised and all the students gladly joined the high schools they were invited to.

Among the partnerships done by the Bank:

In March of 2016, ABC Bank partnered with the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) in support of the Education Commission’s efforts in improving educational standards in the country. The Bank sponsored the initiative by the KCCB to a tune of Ksh250000 at the Catholic Private Schools Education Conference that was held at the Catholic University of East Africa.

In June this year ABC Bank partnered with Mudavadi Memorial Foundation Trust Fund (MMFTF) to support Itando Mission of Hope Girl’s Orphanage. The orphanage had just been started, with ten girls already enrolled. ABC Bank sponsored the noble initiative with Ksh100000 to help the girls who are from humble backgrounds get quality education.

ABC Bank has supported initiatives in the education sector over the years as our continued commitment in supporting and giving back to the community.



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