I own a bank, ask my children

Her name has become synonymous with ABC Bank. When you have a challenge with our service and you call her, two things will happen, automatically: One, you’ll get a listening ear, and two, your issue will be resolved.

Rosemary Kiboro, our Assistant Manager- Customer Service, doesn’t come to work. She comes to serve. She puts service in to customer service. Customer Service is not a job she does; it’s a calling she follows.

Behind the nice voice on the phone or the pleasant emails is a composed, patient, passionate, enthusiastic and friendly personality who will not rest until you are satisfied.

Rosemary reveals more about herself:

  1. Best customer moment – When I resolve a customer’s issue and they broadcast their joy in appreciation for the world to know.
  2. Best advice about money you ever got? – Save 20 percent of your gross income for the future.
  3. Most cringe-worthy moment on the job? – When a customer told me I was the most useless person.
  4. What you hope your kids have learnt from watching you handle money – That you don’t just spend it because it is available.
  5. Spender or saver? – Saver
  6. Most frivolous purchase ever – I was once dying to have particular a cell phone. Back in the day when they were very expensive. I walked in to a shop and quickly bought it and left happy. It cost quite a lot. The following week I saw it selling at half the price. I slapped myself in the face. That’s one purchase I’ll never forget, with regrets.
  7. Life’s mantra – My spending habits must reflect how I want to live in future
  8. Little known ABC Bank product that can change someone’s life – The Target Account which is very good if you want to save for a specific purpose, e.g a holiday, a car or a home.
  9. If you weren’t a banker what would you be doing? – I would be a farmer.
  10. I never leave the office without… my mobile phone
  11. Most asked customer question… Why are there charges on my account?
  12. What do your kids think you do for a living? – They think I own a bank!



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