INSIDE ABC: Vanice Koskei


Who is Vanice Koskei?

Vanice is a social, kind hearted and enthusiastic lady. We all, only have one life to live, and with that I strive to make sure I live mine to its full. Every individual has their ups and downs; each of us tries to find a silver lining through this journey of life and this can only be found through the relationships we have with those around us. I wish to leave a mark that others would want to emulate many years after I am gone.

What did you want to be when you were young?

Gigggles: I wanted to be a driver! In my early years, between ages four and ten, my dad worked in Kericho. My mom and I would once in a while travel from Baringo to go visit him. How I looked forward to this trips! I would stay awake through the journey enjoying the sceneries, the tea plantations, the ‘moving’ trees, people… this made me believe drivers were the happiest people in the world as they enjoyed this every day.

When did you join ABC Bank?

I first joined the bank in 2013 as a Customer Service Representative at the Koinange Branch. I had not completed my studies and went back to school to finish my course. Thanks to my good job and relationships, I was able to come back in 2016, this time in the Diaspora department as a Customer Service Associate Officer where I still serve. It’s been two years of serving customers and gaining great professional and interpersonal skills.

What is your favorite thing about your career?

Customers are usually stranded when contacting Customer Service. I make sure I understand the client’s problem in order to give fast and effective solutions.  The appreciation that comes from good service is always immeasurable and keeps me going everyday no matter the challenges. I also get referrals from happy customers which mean a lot.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

There’s this particular client who had different registration of names on his ID, Passport and Birth certificate and his salary always delayed because of these differences. When he flew back to the country, we agreed to meet and fix the issue, which we did. I helped him meet up with a lawyer, prepare an affidavit and have the names sorted. The matter was resolved in 30 minutes and he left a very pleased and grateful client. I’m glad I went out of my way to ensure the problem was solved once and for all.

Who is your hero?

My mother; She has been my greatest supporter and source of inspiration. Whenever I feel I cannot overcome something, she is always there to push me and help me prove to myself I have more than I think.

Sheshared words of wisdom and made sure I went through school even when society back home had little view on the importance of empowering the girl child. I am where I am today because my mother stood in my defense when I couldn’t defend myself.

If you could share a meal with two people, dead or alive, who would they be?

Abbas Gullet, Secretary General of the Kenya Red Cross Society. His selflessness in helping those in need in society is something I admire and emulate in my own small way. You don’t have to be wealthy or be influential to make a difference, being there sometimes is just enough.

Mother Teresa, I love her golden heart, I wish we had more people who cared so passionately for the poor in society, and the world would defiantly be a better place.



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