Who is Dorothy Kabongo?

I came out of the womb with a fountain pen in my hand. I have a poet’s imagination and am drawn to the arts- anything creative really- and I have a unique way of looking at the world. I have an intuitive nature that has propelled me on my own path. Often times, that path has not been easy, but success is never an easy path, is it?

I am the rock in a storm, the one others lean on. I am loyal and committed in my relationships. I cherish the familiar, my family and friends and defend the traditions I care about.

When did you join ABC Bank?

I joined ABC Bank on the 2nd of August 2011 as PA to the then GCEO – Mr. Deviinder Gupta, who shaped a lot of my life at ABC Bank.  Before he left, he had suggested that I try my hand at what I was most passionate about – Customer Service.  Having come from a hospitality background, I had the passion but lacked banking knowledge or experience and so needed to orient myself with banking.  I approached my boss who was very supportive and allowed me to work in several departments for a while to have a feel of what banking was about.  I have worked in the Clearing and Central Back Office departments as well as Koinange and Libra branches where I managed to learn a great deal.

Shortly after this, I was called upon to assist the GMD with a transition his office was going through.  This was to last a couple of months, but I stayed for almost seven months and I started to miss my customers  and needed to get back to my passion of customer service.  I discussed this with both HR and the GMD and after deliberations, we decided on relationship management hence adding value to my customer service role.

Describe what you do

I act as a liaison between Retail customers and the Bank, through product, service performance and communication with clients and to ensure that the customers’ requirements are met through product attributes, service expectations and price sensitivities.

Highlights of your job?

Good customer service means helping customers efficiently, in a friendly manner. It’s essential to be able to handle issues for customers and do your best to ensure they are satisfied. Providing good service is one of the most important things that can set your business apart from the others of its kind.

Challenges you face? Particular challenge you have faced and how you solved it

Once in a while I come across a difficult customer whose demands are not within my mandate.  One needs to be calm and extremely patient with these customers. There is a thin line between serving the customer and ensuring that one is within bank policy, procedure and regulators.

What keeps you going?

The smile on a customer’s face when they walk in and recognise me and for some reason that is usually a reassurance to the customer that whatever they have come to do at the branch is sorted just by virtue that am there.  The support you get from the customers, enabling you to meet your targets because they are satisfied with your services.  And of course support from management every time you need an approval, waiver or exemption.

And then, there’s a young man.  My son.  He is my reason for being.  Even when the going has been rough, he acts as my compass, so to speak. Like they say, home is where the heart is. He is home for me. He is growing into a fine young man and I would like to believe that I have shaped his life into becoming a thoughtful, kind and decent human being.

What would you be doing if you weren’t at your current job?

Most definitely I would be a counselling psychologist.  I love listening to people. Their stories. Their challenges.  Their victories.  Most of the times friends, colleagues and even customers will come to me to just pour out their frustrations about life. I guide where I can and I know by just being there I have helped a soul heal or feel better and that for me is enough.

Who inspires you?

Anyone who has seen immense struggle and is still standing. Still going on. Still trying. Never giving up.  Those are the people who are my daily inspiration to keep on going.  That my struggles are not my own.  There is someone who has it worse and we can overcome anything if we try.

If you were to swap places with anyone, who would it be and why?

Maybe just a younger me. Wiser.  Making more informed choices.  But just me. Why would l want to be somebody else? I’m awesome just being me. Instead of cataloguing our flaws, shortcomings and everything we lack, we need to inspire growth by focusing on our gifts, strengths, and yearnings and devote ourselves to making them flourish.  The self needs a committed gardener. My mantra: Be at peace with yourself and keep soaring high.



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