Get on to the green side of the law

There is a case for switching to solar energy. Here are 5 reasons why you need to install a solar water heating system in your home.

    1. It’s the law: The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) in April 2012 gazetted the Energy (Solar Water Heating) Regulations 2012 which require all premises with hot water requirements of a capacity exceeding 100 liters a day to install and use solar heating systems. The law is being implemented over e period of five years for buildings existing at the time of coming to force, while new ones within the set hot water usage capacity ought to have the requirement factored in from the design stage.
    2. Cost saving- Besides being a regulatory requirement, installing a solar water heating system in your home will help you considerable cut on your electricity bills by between 50- 80 percent. In case you are thinking of the initial cost of acquiring and installing here is the consolation: in two years you’ll have recovered your initial investment.
    3. Solar power is convenient/ reliable Kenya, owing to its proximity to the Equator, receives solar 4.5 kWh of solar radiation per square meter per day. That guarantees you reliable power supply even during the cloudy days. What’s more, power interruptions and blackouts will be a thing of the past.
    4. Solar power is environment-friendly-We have a responsibility to be stewards of our environment. By using solar power you will be actively playing your part in preserving our environment. The aggregate impact of embracing solar energy will be the alleviation of global warming and we will all be a happier lot for our individual contribution in that respect.
    5. Green loan- You can now apply for a ‘Green Loan’ from ABC Bank to ‘go green’. To make it easier for you and many others to not only comply with the law but to also enjoy the numerous benefits of solar power, we have partnered with EOS Ltd, a solar energy solutions provider operating in East Africa ( We are providing water heating systems on credit and at heavily discounted rates to ease the financial pressure on you. With the Green Loan facility, you’ll get a water heating system of any capacity of your choice depending on the number of people in your household- 200 litres for two to three users, or 300 litres for a family of four to five persons.

We have made it even less stressful- your application will be approved and funds disbursed in 24 hours, and the technical team at EOS will swiftly move in to action to install a new solar water heating system in your home.

Contact us today on and we will walk you the path to a new dawn of smaller electricity bills and no more cold morning showers for you and your household.



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